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Haxxing on Schizoid Arena

Hay guys, Haxxing hewe! I'm on aw fowes and I'm witerally coming faw you!

Hey folks, it's me, Michael Sierakowski, aka @haxxingcrypto. I'm a crypto trader, cancer survivor, and I'm always surrounded in promiscuous women.

Michael David Sierakowski Jr. (born March 27 1988), better known as Haxxing, is a self-purported livestreamer and truck driver who is best known for chasing after e-girls on numerous Discord servers. He has since become a target of extensive mockery on behalf of members of Schizoid Arena and Esoteric Chat, among others.

Michael uses online communities to find e-girls which he predates upon. He is an incel who met up IRL with one of the users and got royally BTFO'd by his murder victim, Coral. The most immediate quality about Michael, besides the fact that he is a fatso, is the obnoxious, tin can sounding voice that he bears with him. This means that he cannot speak without making a fool of himself, and this has forever condemned him to the annals of being a lolcow.

Personal life

Michael was born in 1988 and raised in Ware, Massachusetts. His parents adopted him at a young age. According to his own account, he did not get along with his parents at a young age though he has since "made peace" with them. He grew up in a very lonely household until magician Al Gore granted him with the newfangled Internet, and so he abused this invention to talk with transvestites online before having been eternally banned from every platform that existed at the time.


For most of the time that Michael has interacted with the rest of Path's server, he has claimed to be a "professional streamer"—or live-streamer, gamer—whatever the fuck you want to call it, okay? He has admitted to spending over $3,000 per month on the video game Black Desert, and its multiplayer derivative, Black Desert Online. He also claims to be adept with computers despite having shown a lack of knowledge about the basic functionality of personal computers and the Internet as a whole. He claims to have participated in a "hacking ring" in 2008, where he and others "sent a backdoor" to steal accounts on Diablo 2 and "sell them on eBay." Obviously, this doesn't make any fucking sense, and in the real world, Michael is regarded as harmless.

Michael is incapable of managing his own finances, as shown by the sheer amount of money that he spends on video games with no return on investment. He believes that he is growing his Twitch, where he streams BDO all fucking day long, by paying for subscriber and view bots, but alas, not one human being actually watches that shit. He also claims to work as a truck driver.

On several occasions, Michael has claimed to make $100,000 a year through his job as a trucker, but this is difficult to believe, seeing as truck drivers tend to make something around $60,000. Michael, who has only claimed to have been trucking for just over a year, is very unlikely to have this as his actual income, but he has also lied before about his finances in order to impress the whamenz.

Finances and bankruptcy

Throughout his time as an adult male, Michael has encountered several financial difficulties. From 2020 to 2023, he participated in the trading of cryptocurrency through several crypto-based online platforms. When the crypto market began to fall starting in 2021, Michael had a large amount of income stored in the form of various cryptocurrencies ('coins'). After FTX declared bankruptcy in November 2022, the widespread failure of cryptocurrency-based startup companies began to ensue, and as of 2024, it is estimated that roughly 90% of these startup companies have been forced to declare bankruptcy or are otherwise regarded as a failure.

Michael regarded himself as a "cryptocurrency expert" through most of 2023, until a series of bad investments, combined with the crash of several cryptocurrencies, contributed to his poor financial state. By the end of the year, he was forced to sell off most of his possessions, including land property, which forced him to move back in with his parents. This serves as yet another example of how cryptotards are being ruthlessly buttfucked for jumping on a bandwagon without having any understanding of how the economy works. (He literally traded in the entirety of his fiscal wealth for holdings in fake money.) Farewell, kitten.


Michael has been married at least once to a woman that he met on a chat room. Compared to the amount of personal information floating around about Michael himself, very little is known about his ex-wife except for his side of the story as to how they divorced, which is undoubtedly a skewed and unreliable retelling of events. He has stated previously that he began cheating on his wife, and this is what provoked a divorce, however has also admitted to having caught his wife cheating on him. The exact date of their marriage is also unknown; it was roughly 10 years ago.

He was also in a brief relationship with a girl that emigrated from Germany. Barring these two instances, Michael has never been in a serious relationship with a woman. Applying the term "relationships" to the social exchanges between Michael and online teenagers is somewhat misleading. In truth, all of these exchanges were incredibly one-sided with the exception of Coral. Haxxing makes Simon look like a superior romancer which is difficult to achieve in and of itself.


In 2023, he met Zolly on a lewd nude-sharing Discord server where he proceeded to engage with her in private messages. Since then, he has deluded himself into believing that he is (or was) in a relationship with her. In actuality, he has sent ~500 dollars to Zolly in order to receive the most pathetic of attention which gives credit to the social activities of dsaa. Zolly and Haxxing proceeded to have enticing electronic sex which lasted for hours on end. Resulting from this, Zolly gave electronic birth to a retarded human shit baby which acted as a never-ending supply of logs for the two of them. Following the substantial change in Haxxing's diet, which now contained a greater amount of loginol, he has grown to become nearly as fat as Ryan Wild.


After having lost the attention of Zolly, Haxxing began to focus his attention on Coral, a mentally ill whore who behaved very similar to the way that Haxxing does. In this, both of them are always begging for attention (however Coral, being a woman, at least has some excuse for this behavior). They eventually met up in London and then Coral made the life-ending mistake of flying over to Haxxing's place of residence after which she was brutally murdered. It is factually proven that Haxxing murdered Coral, cutting her up into little pieces and scattering her body across his town. As such, he is wanted for first-degree murder in his state (Florida) and the police are actively searching for his whereabouts.

Michael continued to engage with Zolly during the brief period in which he was in a "relationship" with Coral, which goes to show that he is an unfaithful person. He has also admitted to having perceived Coral as a "second option." In fairness, Coral was also seemingly unfaithful to Michael, which may have been another motive for murdering her.

Sexual abuse and murder of Coral

Sometime around July 2023, Haxxing struck up a relationship with the infamous online whore Coral and somehow lured her into visiting his place of residence. Not much is known about the verbal exchange that ensued between them during that sordid week, however things eventually took a turn for the worse and Haxxing decided to sexually abuse, torture and then murder Coral. He used an ice pick to perform a botched lobotomy procedure on Coral with her hands tied to a dentist's chair using duct tape, and after she was mentally incapacitated, he proceeded to perform a series of disturbing sexual acts on her body. At this state, Coral had suffered serious brain damage and was likely not able to contemplate any of the acts having been performed on her. He used a surgeon's scalpel to remove her finger and toe nails, and a pair of scissors to remove her hair, keeping them as "trophies" of her murder. Necrophiliacs often exhibit this kind of behavior, and Haxxing has had a long-standing obsession with his mother's corpse, so it is not surprising that he fantasized about having sex with Coral's dead body shortly thereafter.

Haxxing has admitted to having molested the dead body of Coral before skinning it, cutting her flesh into "tiny chunks" and dispersing them throughout his rural Florida town. He stored some skeletal remains of her body in his chest freezer before taking videos of sexually pleasuring himself with them.


The police have been actively searching for Haxxing's whereabouts at least two weeks after these events took place. Despite this, he has successfully evaded law enforcement for more than half a year now. Haxxing has developed an obsession with "reanimating" Coral in the form of sexualized videos and imagery using deepfakes and AI-generated content. He has created fake social media accounts pretending to be Coral, likely for the purpose of disavowing the now-known murder.


It goes without saying that all of this ridicule is not unprovoked. Michael considers himself to be a troll, even though he is always on the receiving end of it, which serves as one of the many signs of neurodivergency that become more obvious when faced with emotional issues.

Based off his interactions with people online, Michael probably has some form of undiagnosed autistic. He struggles to understand the tone of messages directed towards him, and often fumbles when trying to interact with women. Furthermore, he has a distinct lack of self-awareness and cannot tell the difference between genuine praise and mockery.

Michael is also a narcissist. The way that Michael describes other people shows a complete disregard for their own individuality, and he instead views them as an extension of himself whose only value is in the way he is benefited by their presence. In searching for women, he is actively looking for a girl with low self-esteem by seeing how they react to his incessant critique of their behavior by calling them names which, almost always, more closely align with his own person, rather than anyone else.

Perhaps the most prevalent thing about his personality is that he claims to be a bodybuilder. He has repeatedly described himself as a "professional bodybuilder and nutritionist."


One of the most central aspects of Michael's rather simple personality, if not the primary thing which he focuses on the most, is that he is a bodybuilder who is always working on "his gains" and so on and so forth. In reality, most of the 'muscle' which he shows off in pictures is just body fat and nothing more.

Michael has a high blood pressure, as evidenced by inflamed joints around fingers on both hands, a red complexion around the face and chest, and the noticeable buildup of sweat around the forehead. Pictures of his chest reveal that he has man tits, a distended gut and bears with him none of the hallmarks of an actual bodybuilder. Despite this, he continues to pretend that he's gaining muscle or something whenever he goes to the gym, takes a picture of himself in the mirror and subsequently leaves. In other words, he doesn't actually work out.

Black Desert Online

Haxxing is an enthusiastic player of the video game Black Desert Online. He owns a Twitch account where he frequently streams himself "playing" the game (it looks as though he is just standing there AFK) for hours on end, though it is unknown if he actually conducts the streams. Throughout the course of a regular conversation with Michael, he will repeatedly make reference to his "streaming career," despite his streams having no popularity whatsoever, and he pays for view bots in order to make the stream appear popular. It is obvious that the streams don't have any genuine viewers because there are no chats sent by the bots, and so the shoutbox is always completely dead.

He has self-admittedly spent thousands of dollars on this game, whether it be for in-game items, subscriptions or Twitch viewbots. It is needless to say that he will never become a career streamer, as he does not speak during any of his streams, and for most of the time his character is just standing there doing nothing.

Social media influencer

More importantly, Haxxing views his "streaming career" as a path towards becoming a social media influencer. He has created accounts on numerous social media platforms, all of which are practically unknown, and has also paid for services that use bots to artificially inflate the follower count on many of his accounts.

The attention that he does receive is almost unanimously negative, mocking his egotism.

Schizoid Arena

Nobody knows (or cares) how Haxxing found about the Discord server Schizoid Arena. It has been posited that he found his way into the server by following the scent of another gay man's asshole. In actuality, he was introduced to the server by Zolly. Many so-called "Xat" users on the server originate from other communities, the most prominent of which being Lookism, but nobody really cares about those people anyways.

Using Schizoid Arena as a tool for the fine-combed grooming of teenagers, Haxxing proceeded to place his eye upon several e-girls which he proceeded to stalk, harass and even went so far as to murder one of them. He met Coral from Schizoid Arena.

Xat and Flirt

From exposure to Schizoid Arena and extensive conversation with Zolly, Haxxing eventually became privy to the Flirt chatroom on the Xat website. In 2024, he began frequenting the chatroom and has gained lots of negative attention from the increasingly repetitive messages that he posts on there.

"Famous" quotes

Haxxing is well-known for typing out lengthy, cringeworthy and literarily unpleasing essays about the Discord women that he wants to have sex with. (He should contribute to this wiki!) Here are some of the notable things that he has said (or spammed) on the server.
