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A webpage capture of the MessengerGeek blog. Source:

MessengerGeek is a technology focused WordPress blog owned by Jonathan Kay, former Microsoft MVP (as if that's something to brag about) and part of the Windows Live Messenger team. His blog mostly consists of sharing third-party software related to bringing back or otherwise enhancing the features of MSN Messenger, which has been discontinued by Microsoft for most users since 2013.

The MessengerGeek forum is the most active part of the website, hosted on "". Unfortunately, the forum is full of underage retards that have an autistic obsession with Microsoft Agents and old software. That is not to say the software side of things is not interesting, but the 12 year olds on this forum have absolutely no fucking clue how any of it works and going on there for "tech support" will probably result in some script kiddie seizing control of your computer. The average thread you can expect to find on this forum will be along the lines of "share your favorite Start menus" or "rate my Hotmail 2003 theme I made in Paint." There are only a select few users who understand the mechanics of live messaging software and don't think that Bill Gates actually powers all of it by keeping his dick hard.

By far the most popular creation on behalf of the MessengerGeek community has been Escargot, a replacement server for MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger.

Christian Weston Chandler without the "high functioning autism."


Jonathan Kay created his blog sometime around December 2004. At the time when the blog was created and its first posts were made, Microsoft's MSN service was going strong and there was no sign that MSN Messenger would get discontinued in favor of something else. Despite this, Jonathan has continued to autistically focus on MSN Messenger for almost two decades now, making him out to be the ultimate soyboy. On one hand his blog has accomplished the partial revival of the messaging service with Escargot, but it has also encouraged the growth of a retarded community which consists of pre-pubescent shut-ins that are obsessed with old computer software for no technical reason whatsoever. Jonathan has probably contributed to the stunted growth of most teenagers that are part of his forum.

The forum was created on December 16 2016. Early on, most of the posts consisted of technical questions from people that were trying to get help with their MSN servers. It quickly devolved into a big circle jerk about the same topics over and over again and by five years into the forum's life, it was clearly ripe with autism.

About Jonathan

Jonathan first became involved with the MSN Messenger software in 2001. Jonathan was a Microsoft MVP for MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger and Windows Live Messenger (way to stretch out your fucking title) from 2001 until 2011. He was also a beta tester for Microsoft from 1998 until 2015. Jonathan is an example of everything that is wrong with Generation Y. At age 43(?), he is still collecting pieces of plastic and obsessing over the corporate excrement that he tinkered with as a teenager. This is why Millennials are such a great fucking disappointment.

Nowadays, Jonathan sits at his computer and fantasizes about secksing the kids who use his server.