Total Freedom Wiki

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The Total Freedom Wiki ( was a short-lived "wiki" (if it can even be called that with all of 5 pages) that lasted for almost three months before Ryan Wild, being a man who always keeps his word, raided the fuck out of the DNS records and now both this shit and the forum have been sent into oblivion.

It was created by VideoGameSmash12 who, with all of his delusions of grandeur, thought he could create a wiki that consists only of Total Freedom's "rich history." In actuality, the history of Total Shitdom can be summarized in under a paragraph.

The wiki

Since the Total Freedom Wiki was so fucking bland and empty, this section of the article has been dedicated by the gracious people at DWYD as a replacement for any substance that it didn't have.

Mark Byron creates the server. Years later, he learns about sex and fucks off, leaving ownership of the server to CreeperSeth. CreeperSeth goes Akefu Mode and raids the fuck out of the server, deleting it for the betterment of mankind. Ryan Wild rises (more like rolls) out of the ashes and uses his fatbody to host the server. Akefu Brewer focuses his Vril energy onto Ryan's mind, driving him crazy, and his dehabilitating mental health leads to the eventual death of the server (or so we hope).