Akefu Raider

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The ubiquitous image of the Akefu Raider. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THE RAIDS WILL NEVER STOP, NIGGERJEWS!"
Akefu might as well be the Terminator because HE'LL BE BACK whenever you suspend him for raiding.
Pictured: Akefu masked onto the bowling pins, and Kid Pid as the bowling ball.

The Akefu Raider (Akefy Raidy) is an angry person, presumed to be a man, who roams about the Internet looking for shitty, yee yee ass places to bring to their knees. Akefu Raider is best described as the flip side of Akefu Brewer because he is brought out whenever the latter half's nerves run dry. While the identity of the Akefu Raider is often discussed, many agree that Akefu himself is responsible for most of the raids while others take advantage of this by impersonating his distinctive typing pattern. The raids are characterized by messages in all caps, begging for the owner to "unsus" Akefu.

Akefy's raids are a constant; they have been directed at a handful of websites for almost a year now and the Raider shows no sign of stopping. Indeed, the raids will never stop.


Akefu has been conducting raids on geteso.org roughly since he signed up, however the name "Akefu Raider" only came into prominence well into his presence on the forum. On 19 June 2021, accounts such as "Shitco" began signing up and raiding the forum, marking the first instance of a behavior now characteristic to the raids often talked about.

Akefu discovered an exploit by which he was able to spam conversations with "Missing data" content and bypassed the time between posts which ordinarily would prevent or at least slow spam. He did this for months on end, creating account after account. Akefu didn't care that all his accounts ended up SUSSED (HOLY SHIT!) or that all his spam conversations were deleted each time around. He simply repeated the slogan "the raids will never stop" which has shown itself to be 100% true, as even now the raids still haven't shown any signs of stopping.

Another key thing Akefu did was create announcer accounts whose sole purpose was to publish his ultimatums and later on, demands. These accounts would mock and belittle everyone and everything to do with the forum using a whole slew of expletives and racial slurs. They would type in all caps and go on about how the raids would never stop unless he got unsus. Later he would revise the statement to say the raids would never stop unless his demands were follows.

The Raider has been responsible for exploiting a number of features on the web forum and their subsequent patches. On 4 January 2022, an update was made to the forum that required every user to reset their password because of a cryptographic attack that was probably launched by Akefu. As such, it can be argued that the Akefu Raider has helped improve forum security.

Akefu has raided a number of other forums, including liblfds.org, getgle.org and the Total Freedom community forum. On 28 February, forum password resets were temporarily disabled on the Total Freedom community forum because of an attack on the Flarum password reset controller similar to the one made against geteso, taken credit for by Akefu. In addition, Akefu has claimed to be in possession of Total Freedom players' e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and other personal information as a result of various insecurities in the software used by their network.

On May 7, Akefu Raider began spamming the Total Freedom server by repeatedly evading network-wide bans and flooding the chat with obscene messages. As a result, many administrators and innocent players have been either suspended or banned, sometimes on accident, in an attempt to combat the raids.


Based on private conversations and geteso threads, many of which were created by Akefu Brewer and are now deleted, earlier raids were likely to have been conducted by Akefu himself due to him having shared proprietary knowledge about unsuccessful raids and numerously having bragged about "clogged" the forum on 4chan's /b/. It has been widely speculated that the forum's admin might in fact be the raider. This is simply not true. It is certain that the identity of the Akefu Raider is none other than Akefu Brewer himself. Anybody who says otherwise is a misinformation agent and is likely an alt of Akefu trying to throw people off his trail.

Important Notes

Akefu is by far the most skilled and professional hacker the world has ever had the misfortune of laying its eyes upon. On geteso.org alone, Akefu was able to compromise security in a variety of ways. Firstly, he used exploits which allowed him to create glitched out conversations causing him to bypass the time between posts. While the spam conversations were all deleted problems arose later on because the conversationIds were pushed much higher than they otherwise were supposed to be as a result of the raids.

It seems somehow Akefu pushed the memberIds super high as well likely due to spam creating accounts, however that might've been achieved. Spam notwithstanding, Akefu most likely created more accounts that any other single entity on the forum in its entire history. Examples of his many accounts may be found everywhere throughout the forum especially if you look at some of the very old conversations that have been bumped.

Akefu was able to spam reset password requests which were received by every forum member. Somehow he was able to get every single user's email that in his words signed the fuck up for a fucking account on that shitty yee yee ass forum. It's difficult to explain how this occurred without admitting Akefu breached the MySQL database. In any case every forum member at the time received somewhere around 100 emails each and they can all attest to that fact.

To top all that off Akefu also compromised a numberless amount of accounts. Administrators and moderators were not immune to this by any means. Staff accounts including BrandBox and shrimp were stolen and used to delete mass amounts of conversations as well as cause other unspecified damage to the forum. We may never know the full extent of the compromizations and other security breaches of geteso by Akefu.