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Jonathan Marc Katz (born 1998), better known by his username CokeVoAYCE, is a well-known member of the Flirt chat room and reputed troll. He is perhaps most disliked by Wheelchair Mike, who almost always falls into the trap of flirting with him on a toon. Coke truly is chronically online; he's always on Flirt and actively uses several other websites such as Redditfaggot, mostly to discuss xat drama. He was also one of the early members of the Schizoid Arena Discord server and continued to be part of it for brief, sporadic periods of time thereafter. In addition to this, he also owns the fairly inactive FartLand server.
He is 26 years old and currently resides at 5129 Bay Rd, Bensalem, PA, 19020. (This isn't really a dox considering he has volunteered personal information about himself on numerous social media accounts, including his real name.)
Early life
Jonathan Marc Katz was born in the year 1998 as the child of Paul and Sharon Katz. After discovering that he inherited the swarthoid phenotype, his mother made a last-dish effort to abort the fætus and was unsuccessful in doing so. Coke makes up for his genetic predisposition by conducting epic trollz against (other) faggots on Flirt and then boasting about his genius-level manipulation skills, as if there is anything socially accomplished in fucking with a bunch of middle-aged mental midgets in a chat room.