Schizoid Arena

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Schizoid Arena is a Discord server with the custom invite link xat. Several hardly any members of the server are also part of the Xat community. As of 2023, the server currently has 5.3K members. As of late 2023, the server is down to 640 members and shows no signs of getting any better.

From the outside perspective, Schizoid Arena may seem like another stupid Discord community full of washed up kiddie diddlers. There are quite a few actual women (male) who use the server and they are easy to spot because they will talk about the same fucking thing over and over again until there no longer exists any potential outlet for them to express their stupid bullshit. (I have just offered an alternate definition of what makes a "woman" - take it or leave it.) Most if not all of the Xat users are long gone from the server and have been replaced with faggots posting stupid memes and emote reactions with no end in sight. Participating in a new conversation on this server is like waking up on Groundhog's Day where the same table of faggots are circle jerking each other about how they're not really virgins because of that experience with a prostitute one time around.

Despite the server having "no nsfw" there is a constant influx of porn and other debauchery in the #general text channel. There is also a guy by the name of StarWark that does nothing but post fight videos with no regard for the context, but this isn't nearly the most autistic thing that goes on in the general chat. Update: StarWark, along with most of the server's original members, have jumped ship. The server is comprised of roughly 10 individuals, with the rest of the member count being attributed to Akefu Brewer.

Sometime during November 2023, Pathseeker was manipulated by his grooming victim to brutally fist-fuck his own server. As such, he handed control over the server to his female love interest and it was immediately tranquilized with mass censorship, poor administrative decisions and the general initiative to bring the server to a slow death. In this, it has almost exactly replicated the downfall of Total Freedom, thus completing the circle of irony. Update: the server has lost the requisite number of "boosters" (idiots paying for Discord Nitro) and so it no longer bears the /xat vanity, marking its death.


Schizoid Arena was founded by Pathseeker on August 10 2022 with the name Manji Symbol Reversed, which resolves to the German Hakenkreuz (also known as a swastika for all you non-intellectuals out there). According to Pathseeker(he wrote this lol), he created the Discord server to invite all of his friends to one place but didn't want to contribute to communities he didn't have full control over. Edik came up with the name Schizoid Arena a few days after the server was created.

The founder and initial members came from Xat but, knowing that a lot of xat users are mostly braindead losers who are too traumatized to move onto something new, they slowly abandoned the server once it started attracting new members. The custom invite link /xat was also snatched from under an alcoholic druggie who spent his entire life on and it was chosen for being short in length.


The server always had a strict no mod abuse policy. LOL JUST FUCKING KIDDING!!! Moderators on this server are on a constant power trip over their need to mute, censor and deafen members. They also routinely "purge" the general chat for no fucking reason that is evident to anyone on this Earth and are known to sometimes do it repeatedly within intervals of 5 minutes. There are only two rules: no not safe for work (NSFW) or gore content, and no spamming. Despite this, all three of these rules are broken on a regular basis and the moderators, who are too busy jacking off to child porn, don't care enough to do anything about it.

The following paragraph was written by the server owner, so you should take it with a grain of salt or go so far as to laugh your ass off at it. The founder autistically enforces this policy even when it doesn't necessarily benefit him, having demoted some admins for small infractions and deals with abuse cases if they arise, regardless of who commits them. It also has no hoisted or custom roles unless people pay for them on a monthly-basis, because he believes in minimalism and to avoid cases of favoritism where one person would have a higher role than the other, etc. As the admins don't get into what people do in privacy or in other servers, the server has received criticism from some people. As the server started growing in numbers, it had made a lot of enemies most of whom were jealous losers who were envious of the activity and member count, and they had mass reported the server to no avail.

During August 2023 the owner restructured moderator permissions for admins on the server. At one point in time, there were three separate admin roles: admin, admin(n) and admin(l) which had minor differences in the permissions granted to the so-called "admins." Indeed, the autistic behavior of the server owner has seen to it that there is no effective form of moderation on the server and then questions why it gets taken down by Discord every month or so. In an attempt to prevent this, he has added censorship filters to the server which do nothing in the way of preventing ToS-breaking messages from being sent. Path has admitted that the filters serve no purpose other than to prevent members from using words that he doesn't like.

A few months later, he went into exile (presumably after INTERPOL received a tip about the terabytes of child porn living in his computer) and gave effective ownership of the server to his e-girlfriend, not so long after getting catfished by another supposed e-girl who made his dick hard. At this point in time, the server is almost totally dead and there is no reason to think that it'll ever return to a state of moderate popularity, much like geteso.

Akefu Raider was famously banned from the server for conducting a raid of his own that lasted for roughly 5 minutes.

Notable schizoids

This section of the page hasn't been updated for an eternity, but you should know that all of these people have left the server.



Lauren is a schizophrenic Jewess (this is redundant) who likes to quote scripture and make videos of herself dancing around naked in front of shopping malls pleading to get arrested. (She wants to get railed by a big black coppa.) She has a rich Jewish father, which explains how she's able to get away with acting like a schizophrenic retard in public without being raped or strapped to a chain gang, but the fact that she's a woman also helps. Lauren also tried raping her dog as a 9 year old and enjoys talking about it online, especially the part where the dog didn't want to dip its tongue into the unwashed, fleshy outer lips of her vagina.


Jamie is a sleeper agent sent to Earth by God in order to keep an eye on us all. The day after shadow-president Donald Trump gets reinstated into office by Q and his agents, Jamie's "God PC" will be activated. With this, he will obtain a plethora of superpowers and turn into an omnipotent being giving him the ability to butt-fuck every single ~~girl~~ guy on the Schizoid Arena server. Aliens have built monuments of Jamie all across the Solar System and Jamie has in fact had sex, but it was with an alien, of course. If you doubt any part of this, you'll be the first to receive a lobotomy on the Day of Judgment and Jamie will shove his unwashed inner city fingers up your eye sockets.

Kelly Abernathy Graham

Just search for his name.


stargirl is a mentally ill bpd girl that made a video of herself fingering her 2 year old sister to try and garner reputation and attention from comfags, but ended up getting shocked from it and required intensive therapy.